Police Officer Takes 73-Year-Old Widow Shopping: See Video


Cop shoppoing with widowA police officer in Texas helped a 73-year-old widow by taking her grocery shopping for American Thanksgiving.

Officer John Holder and Dorothy Shepard met over the summer when Holder was sent to check on her after Shepard had surgery. He has been helping her out ever since by taking her to appointments and on shopping trips while off duty.

Their friendship became public when a photograph of the two shopping was posted online.

“I know police officers, but I never expected him to be that kind,” Shepard told WFAA.


See another act of kindness….

Lethbridge woman arranges surprise for random Walmart customer

Lethbridge’s Brianne Chabay posted a message on Facebook near the end of November asking people to come out to a Walmart with her to help a customer who could use a little extra money this holiday season.

Over 50 people showed up, each with $20 to spare. They found a woman with two kids they felt deserved it and surprised her as she was checking out.

“I feel like I’m going to pass out. I’m in shock,” Brandy Addy said about the gift. “We actually ran into financial trouble… this is going to help a lot.”


See Original Article: http://globalnews.ca/news/1721744/random-acts-of-christmas-kindness/?hootPostID=8cbdd4f65259101eb5323cb9454ed2bf



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