Please Help “Dreams for Deacon” Campaign

Deacon is doing good he is on a lot of meds taking trips to Kingston one week and to Cheo in Ottawa the next still taking things one day at a time.


They say Every baby is truly a miracle. I would like everyone to meet baby Deacon. Deacon is only 8 weeks old. He has a very rare liver disease . Deacon is looking at facing a liver transplant in the near future, with so many unknowns. He has undergone 2 major surgeries on his liver and continues to fight and stay strong. Deacon is now on life support, he is still fighting, but he needs lots more prayers and support from everyone.

I ask that all my friends and family please take a moment to pray and help support  Deacon and his family. He is the most sweetest precious baby. Deacon has 2 older brothers who are anxiously awaiting for their baby brother to get better and come home. Deacon and his family are currently in Ottawa with Deacon at CHEO, we are asking for any support to help this incrediable family with their journey, with all the expenses with being so far from home and enduring Medical costs that Deacon will continue to need. This little boy is truly a miracle and a fighter, any little bit will help continue to support Deacon and his family.

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