Oops! Father Sends 3-Yr Old Son To School With Cocaine Kit Instead Of Lunch

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Cocaine fatherA British father will be imprisoned for four years after sending his 3-year-old son off to nursery school with a Tupperware container filled with cocaine and drug paraphernalia.

Tree surgeon Lee Webb was sentenced Monday for possessing Class A and B drugs.

The crime came to light last March when Webb was in a hurry to get his son off to the Smarty Pants Nursery.

Webb confused a Tupperware container that held the child’s lunch with one that held cocaine; mephedrone, a stimulant banned in Britain, as well as two knives, a set of scales and other drug paraphernalia, the Daily Mail reports.

When the nursery school staff opened up the kid’s backpack, they were surprised to discover the coke instead of a juice box and called police.

Meanwhile, Webb returned to the school and demanded the bag back. When the staff refused, he left the premises, Kent Online reports.

Police showed up at Webb’s home to arrest him and noticed he had scrawled a lawyer’s phone number on his hand, according to IBTimes.

During a search of the premises, investigators found another stash of cocaine worth $1,030. Webb told investigators another person gave him the bag to watch overnight, according to the Mirror.

Judge James O’Mahony did not pull any punches during the sentencing.

“You sent your three-year-old son to nursery with a rucksack containing a significant quantity of Class A and B drugs,” he said, according to the Metro. “In effect, you sent your son there with a drug dealer’s kit. Your stupidity put children at risk and I consider the potential exposure to children of these drugs is so serious only an immediate custodial sentence can be justified.”

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  • Elsie says:

    There are angels looking after children. How fortunate this opps moment so the child will have a better chance…I hope!!!!!

  • Don says:

    I hope you’re right Elsie, I’m just grateful the little guy didn’t open the container and try some of the drugs.

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