9 Year Old Turns Winning Prize Into Gifts For Others


Jarrett Wilson (Photo: 11Alive)

KENNESAW, Ga. — A local student is turning a winning prize into gifts for more than a dozen others.

The Christmas spirit took on a whole new meaning this year for the Wilson family when 9-year-old Jarrett cashed in a brand new Galaxy tablet to buy gifts for needy children.

“I knew I was going to be able to help other kids that needed my help,” Jarrett said.

Jarrett won the $160 tablet from his school fundraiser at Shanty Intermediate School. He then grabbed tags from the school’s angel tree and bought the gifts.

Jarrett bought Christmas gifts for 15 children. Among the gifts: a blanket to keep a little girl warm, books to make an 11-year-old smile and toy trucks for a special someone. He got more than $300 worth of merchandise because of sales and using coupons.

“Giving is the right thing to do…because you know that another kid might really, really need it,” Jarrett Wilson said.

See Original Article: http://www.11alive.com/story/news/local/kennesaw/2014/12/11/jarrett-wilson-christmas-spirit/20274149/


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