Big-hearted 4-year-old Asks for Food Bank Donations Instead of Presents

4yo boy collects food for bday NorthAyrshireFoodbank“Owen Walker was so touched when his mum, Laura, told him that not all children are fortunate enough to get hot meals that he ditched his birthday wish list to feed the needy.”

“Instead of focusing on the usual fanfare of a party, the little boy from Irvine decided to collect tins and boxes of food from friends and family to make a deposit at North Ayrshire Food Bank in the UK,” reports the Daily Record

“I’m sure you’ll agree with me that the wee guy is an absolute star and his kindness deserves to be shared everywhere,” said the North Ayrshire Foodbank on Facebook, where they posted this photo.

Instead of Toys, Selfless Boys Buy a Saw for Family to Rebuild


The Richfield, Ohio “Shop With a Cop” program was in full swing this week when two brothers showed selfless determination to help their family, rather than shopping for themselves.

Adam Dayton, 10, and his older brother Joe, 14, each received $110 to spend at Wal-Mart.

When they were done shopping, I met them outside the store standing with the police lieutenant who was helping them.

Joe was the oldest shopper that I encountered and he was holding a circular saw. My teen sons love building and creating with tools so I figured it was his hobby too.

But when I asked about the choice, I was stunned. A house fire destroyed their family home last month and they purchased the saw to help their father rebuild.

There were children shopping for relatives and others who chose to spend only on themselves, but this was the most selfless purchase of the day.

Moments like this make me thankful for my job as a photojournalist because I am constantly exposed to the goodness of mankind and can return home with renewed hope.

If you are inspired to help this family rebuild, contact Lt. Joe Davis of the Richfield, OH Police department. (330) 659-9500.

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