Natural Hangover Remedies For The Holidays

By Charlotte’s Book | Yahoo Health – Thu, 27 Nov, 2014 3:01 PM EST

Hung overWritten by holistic nutritionist Meredith Geller, HHC, for Charlotte’s Book.

The holidays are upon us. Parties, celebration, alcohol, festive food, more alcohol, and an abundance of holiday cheer. How does one navigate through these next few months in regards to our increased alcohol consumption? The good news: It’s actually possible to glide through party season, continuing to sparkle, and glow all the way into the New Year with the help of these natural hangover remedies. Here’s what to do:

Before heading out to the party…

• Pop some prickly pear pills (also called Nopal Cactus). Incorporate a product like Nopal Blood Sugar ($20) into your pre-party and post-party regime, taking the recommended dosage 1-2 hours before cocktailing and 1 hour after. Nopal Cactus contains amino acids, fiber and antioxidants that help combat sluggishness and aide in a morning-after detox.
Medical note for diabetics and insulin users: Due to Nopal Cactus’ natural effect of assisting the moderation of blood sugar and insulin levels, check with your health care practitioner as insulin dosages may be to be adjusted.

Upon coming home

• Drink 24 oz fresh parsley juice.You can pick up a bottle from your local juice bar or toss these ingredients into your blender:
→16 oz fresh organic coconut water (I prefer Harmless Harvest Coconut Water if fresh coconut water isn’t available)
→1 bunch organic flat-leaf parsley
→2 organic lemons, juiced
Buy or make the juice earlier in the day and store it in the fridge in a glass (Mason) jar so it’s convenient to drink when you get home. Parsley is an excellent kidney cleanser and lemon stimulates digestive juices in the stomach, therefore making the liver’s cleansing job easier and improving its function. Coconut water will replace lost electrolytes and minerals, since alcohol is very dehydrating. The lemon also helps to alkalinize your system, as alcohol is very acidic. Store the juice in a glass jar in the fridge for handy, all day rejuvenation.

Right before you go to bed…

Before you crash, drop a dosage of concentrated, liquid milk thistle under your tongue or sip a cup of dandelion tea. Milk thistle increases enzyme production that assists the liver in detoxing. Dandelion is a blood purifier and one of the best liver cleansers around. You can find milk thistle at a health food store (I go to Westerly Market in New York City) or buy it on Herb Pharm, $14. A dose of the milk thistle can also be combined with 2 oz of hot water for a soothing, hydrating bedtime concoction.

The morning after you (may have) overdid it…

• Drink 8 oz of hot water with lemon, followed by 16 – 24 oz of fresh green juice. Create your own or pick up a juice that is both hydrating and contains ingredients with alkalinizing properties. Combining cucumber, parsley, pear, and ginger creates an ideal balance for a refreshing juice remedy. But, be sure to avoid any 100% fruit juices the day after drinking because your body will benefit from the alkalinizing, blood building properties of green juice. Plus, 100% fresh fruit juice can actually be too cleansing, making you feel even more hung over.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Flush, flush, flush. Continue to drink filtered water with lemon throughout the day to combat the dehydrating effects of alcohol and assist the liver in flushing out unwanted toxins that you consumed the night before.

• Sweat it out. Treat yourself to an infrareds sauna or 15 – 45 minutes in the sauna. To increase the effectiveness of a regular sauna session, take a cold shower or plunge into cold water every 15 minutes to increase your circulation. The shock of the cold water will tighten your pores and “squeeze out” even more toxins from your system.

The following days ahead…

Take a break. Try your best to space out alcohol consumption throughout the holiday season. Taking breaks will save you, your skin, your dress size, and your mood. When you do indulge, follow the natural hangover remedies above. Also, try to eat clean and light the next day. Your body will be thankful for it.

See Original Article:


1 Comment

  • Gail says:

    I think I`ll just skip the partying this year! and if I do indulge I will lay around the next day and watch the good old Turner Classic Movie channel,eat bacon and eggs and say to myself that this only lasts 24 hours, this only last 24 hours, this only last 24 hrs etc,etc…….maybe even snack on some good old Lay`s potato chips! Oh ya and give Thanks that I don`t feel like this all the time! Happy Holidays Everyone!

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